Company News


Dans la dernière décennie, Immunité+® a été au cœur des Solutions Semex. Dans les troupeaux qui ont sélectionné de façon intensive en fonction de cet indice, les résultats ont changé la donne économique! Voici deux exemples de réussite dans le territoire d’EastGen...


The final proof round of the year has arrived and with it, EastGen’s Holstein line-up continues to expand and improve to provide the most comprehensive list of sires and genetic solutions available anywhere for our breeders. The exciting newly proven Cedarwal Handpick P debuts with a splash as Canada’s #1 ranked proven polled sire! Handpick P begins his proven career with


La dernière ronde d’épreuves de l’année est arrivée et avec elle, le groupe Holstein d’EastGen continue de s’agrandir et de s’améliorer pour offrir la liste la plus complète de taureaux et de solutions génétiques disponibles partout pour nos éleveurs. L’excitant nouveau taureau éprouvé Cedarwal Handpick P débute
avec éclat en tant que taureau acère éprouvé classé no 1 au Canada! Handpick P entreprend sa carrière de taureau éprouvé avec

December 2023 Holstein Breed Highlights


December 2023 Component Breed Highlights



At Semex, we’re focused on pursuing profitable growth and ensuring we’re structured properly in our most important markets. Brazil is one of the world’s fastest-growing markets. Therefore, we are pleased to announce the integration of Semex Brazil, its specialized A.I. center Tairana, and leading Brazilian embryo facility Cenatte into our global subsidiary network effective November 1, 2023. Additionally, we’re excited to announce that Semex Brazil’s General Manager, Nelson Ziehlsdorff, will join Semex’s Global Management Team.

“Nelson, his Brazilian Management Team, and each of these entities have always worked closely with the Semex Team and exemplify Semex’s Vision of ‘Demanding The Best,’’’ says Paul Larmer, Semex CEO. “We’re excited that Nelson will continue leading this outstanding team and will join our Global Management Team. This integration underscores our commitment to and the pursuit of establishing Semex Brazil, Tairana, and Cenatte as the industry’s leading companies in Brazil.”

Semex Brazil joins Semex Argentina, Semex Australia, Semex China, Semex Deutschland, Semex Mexico, Semex N.Z. Ltd, Semex Uruguay, Semex UK, Semex USA, and Genbank (Hungary), as Semex-owned subsidiary companies.

Semex is a leading global genetic company focused on providing its clients with solutions, innovations, and technologies that positively impact their lives and the lives of the animals on their operations and within our global community. This is Genetics for Life. For more information, please visit For more information on Semex Brazil please visit


“Cows don’t get missed. Cows in heat get bred and cows with low rumination get examined.” This statement explains why Heatime® has become a valued 24/7 member of the team at this Prince Edward Island farm. Dylan and Tyler Howard are the fourth generation to farm at Howardvale Holsteins which currently consists of 280 registered Holsteins and encompasses 800 acres near Springfield, PEI. Passionate about what they do and committed to dairy farming at an early age, the brothers and their mother Brenda have continued to modernize, grow, and improve the
operation along the way. A struggle with pregnancy rates (PR), especially


« Aucune vache n’est oubliée. Les vaches en chaleur sont inséminées et les vaches à faible rumination sont examinées.» Cette déclaration explique pourquoi Heatime® est devenu un membre apprécié 24/7 de l’équipe dans cette ferme de l’Île-duPrince-Édouard. Dylan et Tyler Howard représentent la quatrième génération à
exploiter la ferme Howardvale Holsteins qui compte actuellement 280 animaux Holstein enregistrés et 800 acres près de Springfield, ÎPÉ. Passionnés par ce qu’ils font et engagés envers l’élevage laitier dès leur jeune âge, les frères et leur mère Brenda ont continué de moderniser, de faire croître et d’améliorer l’exploitation. Un problème avec les taux de gestation (TG), particulièrement dans
l’étable des génisses, a incité les Howard à installer Heatime en 2017.
« Nous ne réussissions pas à augmenter notre TG

Lactanet Canada and Semex Win the Prestigious Innovation in Climate Action Award

Partnerships are very much a part of the Canadian dairy scene that supports dairy farmers and the industry at large. Lactanet Canada and Semex have a long-standing synergy working collaboratively and last night received a prestigious Dairy Innovation Award: “Innovation in Climate Action”, from the International Dairy Federation (IDF).

Nominated by Dairy Farmers of Canada, Lactanet and Semex were recognized during the IDF World Dairy Summit in Chicago, Illinois, for developing Canada’s Methane Efficiency genetic evaluation. This is the world's first official genetic evaluation that helps dairy producers genetically select animals that will contribute to reduced methane emissions from dairy cattle, without impacting production levels.  


“As the dairy sector works together towards net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, we know the important role research and innovation plays along our shared path,” says David Wiens, President of Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC). “The funding this initiative received from DFC in collaboration with other engaged partners, helped demonstrate the accuracy of predicting individual animal methane emissions. We are excited and honoured to be part of the future of dairy farming, and we thank the IDF Dairy Innovation Awards for recognizing the continuous efforts of dairy farmers in striving for a more sustainable future for everyone.” 

Lactanet’s Methane Efficiency genetic evaluation was launched in April 2023 after 10 years of research and development, led by the University of Guelph, using innovative technologies to evaluate and predict a cow’s methane production. This achievement is a cardinal piece of the dairy industry’s national strategy to reach net zero by 2050.


“Accelerating sustainable and innovative dairy management practices is important to our industry and we all have a role to play,” states Barbara Paquet, ... Read More...


Les capsules Dosto® jouent un rôle dans un protocole pour nouveau-nés dans une des plus grandes exploitations laitières au Canada.

« Nous étions sceptiques au départ », admet Kira Gill de New World Dairy Inc. à St. David’s, TN, où 1000 têtes sont traites et où en moyenne 115 vaches vêlent chaque mois. Dans cette plus grande exploitation laitière à Terre-Neuve – et une des plus importantes au Canada, l’élevage des veaux pour produire des animaux de remplacement est extrêmement important pour cette ferme qui comprend 4000 acres et qui inclut 30 employés en plus des membres de la