SemexWorks is a powerful, easy to use tool, empowering you to define your specific farm economics and the genetic needs for your operation.

What is SemexWorks?

SemexWorks is an easy-to-use, touch-based, tablet software that truly puts the dairyman in the driver's seat, selecting the traits, strategies and economic parameters that are important to the dairy operation.

What makes it different?

Unlike traditional genetic evaluation tools and indexes, SemexWorks has been designed to take a different approach to sire selection by allowing the customer to create a personalized selection formula that fits their unique specifications.

To further refine their selection index, dairyman can identify key traits, and reproductive or genetic solutions such as Fertility First™, Immunity+®, Semexx™ sexed semen or even beef bulls.

Can my herd be separated into groups?

SemexWorks' flexibility also encourages users to segment their herd, allowing for unique strategies and solutions to be used on different portions of the herd. Once traits are identified and emphasized, bulls are each given a client index value. This number is based on the areas the dairyman has chosen to emphasize, the weightings he places on traits and the herd segmentation. This provides the client with a list of bulls that is easy to navigate, and is ranked on the individual breeding goals set for each herd segment.

Can I be confident in the selection recommendations?

SemexWorks is another example of Semex's commitment to bring tools to our clients that are as individualized as they are. SemexWorks focuses on the unique needs and economics on the dairy, calculating pay back on the genetics. This simplifies the buying decision process, and gives dairymen confidence in their genetics. The end result is that the genetics they select are precisely focused on helping them achieve their specific goals. That's the EastGen Difference!
